Psychic Medium and Spiritual Teacher

“You are loved so much more than you can imagine”

Monthly Archives: November 2015

A Spark of Inspiration & Wonder Lives Inside of You

I recently travelled to England to attend the Arthur Findlay College to study Mediumship and during a Trance Mediumship Class which is where higher intelligence and Spirit will speak through the Medium to bring through messages of Inspiration and Hope.  When I asked Spirit to speak through me and give me Inspiration to write something I could share with others to touch their hearts.  I was given the inspiration to write these words.  May what is written here touch your heart in the deepest space and seed a flower of Love that will forever grow and remind you of Who You Are and Where You Really Come From.


Spark of God’s Love

You are a spark of the Divine! You are a spark of God’s Love living and breathing in the uniqueness of you. The expression of the Soul can be seen, heard, and felt through that uniqueness and this is your gift to yourself and thealingo the world. When you allow the Soul to express itself through you to it’s fullness you spark the light in others who may have had their light diminished from life experiences. You remind their Soul through your presence to spark and shine and this is how you affect the greatest change. This is how you become the change you wish to see in others through your beingness and the Uniqueness of who you are.

Universal Expression

You are God living as yourself here to share your Love with the world and your Love is shared on the wings of your creative expression, words, thoughts and actions as these are all channels Love will use to reach the hearts and minds of others. The universe is expressing itself through you in all that you do and you are a part of a greater plan, a greater design and web of Love created to catch those who have lost faith who have lost hope and who have forgotten their spark.


Divine Mission

You are God’s hand extended in the world and are an ambassador of Love. Remember every encounter with someone is an opportunity to show up and allow Love to flow through your words and actions into the other’s heart. You are all on a divine mission and that mission is Love. You are more supported than you realize.


Infinite Intelligence

12191434_989896964402365_7918567344960635059_nThe energy of the stars and solar system to the life force held within nature flows through you and supports you in all ways and all you have to do is listen through your heart and you’ll access the same intelligence that creates planets, worlds and even tiny blades of grass. We’re watching you and we know your hearts longing. We know at times the human experience is not easy but we know that no one else can handle it any better than you. You each have a specific mission and we want you to know how loved you are, how supported you are and that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. when you feel lost you can always look to the sky or to the nature found on your planet to be reminded of what you are, who we are and that you are loved more than you can ever comprehend or imagine. We Are One.


Savonn Champelle Top Psychic Clairvoyant Medium





Savonn Champelle Top Psychic Clairvoyant Medium Savonn Champelle Top Psychic Clairvoyant Medium Savonn Champelle Top Psychic Clairvoyant Medium Savonn Champelle Top Psychic Clairvoyant Medium Savonn Champelle Top Psychic Clairvoyant Medium

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Psychic Clairvoyant Medium