Psychic Medium and Spiritual Teacher

“You are loved so much more than you can imagine”


Alchemy of the Soul


This 3 hour self healing intensive is designed to help empower and teach you how to be your own healer through the power of your own Soul. You will be learn to uncover and bring awareness and healing to deep conscious, unconscious blocks and emotional issues you may have carried in your life.




Savonn Champelle is a Psychic Medium who resides in Los Angeles, Ca and works with people from all around the world helping them to heal and transform their lives through Soul Awareness and the Healing Power of Spirit.




Online Class Date:  Thursday April 23, 2020
Time: 11:00am -2:00 pm PST California
Location:  Online
Registration Fee: $55 ( ZOOM LINK emailed after payment is made)

Zoom Account is required to attend this event online

Register for your free Zoom Account here:





















The Healing Power of Mediumship


Would you like to receive a message from the Spirit World? Have you lost someone you love and want to know if they are still around you? Come and experience the healing power of Spirit Communication.  

When: April 28, 2019

Time: 2:00pm  – 3:30pm 

Location:  Aum & Garden

13363 Ventura Boulevard
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423


In this event you will:

  • Learn about Mediumship and how Spirit Communicates
  • Understand how Spirit Communication brings healing to the Soul
  • Witness the Miracle of Spirit Communication

Savonn Champelle is a Psychic Medium and Energy Healer who resides in Los Angeles, and works with people from all around the world.  Evidential Mediumship is one of many ways messages can be communicated through Spirit. This style of Mediumship can bring forward evidence such as personality traits, ailments,  shared memories, birthdays, significant dates and even experiences going on in your present life to prove your loved ones are still connected with you and involved in your life.  Savonn’s delivery is compassionate yet healing and leaves you with knowing that he has made a real connection to your loved ones in the Spirit World and they continue to guide and watch over you. 

Click button below to make your purchase


Angelic Communication 101


Have you ever wondered if Angels were real and if you could communicate with them?

As a Psychic Medium who has worked with Angels for 20 yrs, I’ve come to witness that many people are unaware they have Angels at their side watching over and guiding them daily.  Most people don’t realize they can talk to their Angels and receive messages back in return. This event will teach you how to communicate with your own Angels and learn how to receive their messages and guidance for your life.

In this event I will discuss the following topics and answer these questions.

  • Who are the Angels?
  • What do Angels want people to know about them.
  • My introduction to working with the Angels.
  • How do Angels Communicate?
  • How do we receive their messages?
  • Learn how to work with your Angels, how to recognize their signs and establish ongoing communication.
  • Tips and Exercises on how you can receive messages coming from your own Angels.
  • How to enhance your intuition and psychic awareness.
  • Discussion on wounds of the heart and how they can affect communicating with Angels along with other things that can get in the way of receiving messages from your Angels.
  • Clearing and Releasing Meditation with the Angels to attuned you to the Angelic Realms and your Angels.
  • Question and Answer Session.

How can this event benefit you?

    • Clear Understanding of the Angels and how they can help you in your everyday life.
    • Practical Tools to help you increase your intuition and communication with the Angels.
    • Increased Intuitive and Psychic Awareness to help you live your highest and best life.
    • Increased Awareness of your own emotional wounds and how they have limited you.
    • Increased sense of personal freedom, well being and deeper connection to yourself.
    • Self Healing and Clearing Techniques to help keep your energy clear and vibration high.
    • Life Changing Angelic healing to help you with clearing, releasing negativity that no longer serves you.
    • Witness messages being brought through from the Angelic and Spirit Realms


    • Class Date: TBD
  • Time: TBD
  • Seating begins at: TBD
  • Location: TBD
  • Address: TBD


Tools for Empaths and Sensitives 

chakras 2015

An Empath is an individual that may sense or feel the thoughts, emotions and feelings of another as if they are feeling it as their own.

Often times we unconsciously tap into other energies that are not our own and these energies take us out of balance which affect our choice making.  This class is designed to teach you how to own your energy field and release unwanted energies you may have taken on as your own.  In this class we will also discuss practical tools you can use to maintain energetic integrity, create energetic boundaries and empower you to take more control over what may affect you energetically in your day to day life.

Topics of Discussion:

    • What is an Empath?
    • Traits of an Empath
    • The importance of Grounding and how to effectively achieve this
    • The importance of Energetic Boundaries (Shield and Protect your Aura) and how to achieve this
    • Using Colors to shift the energy of your environment (Home, Work etc)
    • Tools for Relationship Enhancement (Symbols, Colors )
    • Heart Healing Meditation
  • Question and Answer Session
    • Class Date:  TBD
    • Time: TBD
    • Seating begins at: TBD
    • Location:  TBD
  • Address: TBD


Savonn Champelle Top Psychic Clairvoyant Medium Savonn Champelle Top Psychic Clairvoyant Medium Savonn Champelle Top Psychic Clairvoyant Medium Savonn Champelle Top Psychic Clairvoyant Medium Savonn Champelle Top Psychic Clairvoyant Medium

Psychic Readings and Healing ServicesPsychic Readings and Healing ServicesPsychic Readings and Healing ServicesPsychic Readings and Healing Services
Psychic Readings and Healing Services
Copyright © Savonn Champelle
Psychic Clairvoyant Medium