Psychic Medium and Spiritual Teacher

“You are loved so much more than you can imagine”

Psychic Love Relationship Reading

psychic-readings-love-relationshipsAt our core we all want to be loved and accepted for who we are and want to co create an aligned relationship that reflects that love and acceptance.

Many are unaware of how they attract partners in relationships, the core fears and emotional issues that show up in the relationship, and why these relationships usually don’t work out and are short lived. They continue to attract the same kind of partner or repeat relationship patterns and are not sure as to why. Couples may hit a road block in their relationship and feel as if there is a breakdown in communication, the love and passion is gone, or their emotional needs are not being met. They may even feel as if the relationship may be over and are seeking clarity so they can bring the harmony back into the relationship.

These sessions are specifically designed for both Couples and Singles who are wanting to co create aligned relationships based on unconditional love and acceptance as well as maintaining them. The key is to clearly identify where (blocks) are and shift them so you can have what you are really wanting to experience show up whether it is manifesting a desired partner or healing the relationship you are currently in.

These sessions incorporate both Soul Reading and Energy Healing work with the intention of supporting you in a safe and compassionate way.

I offer two different kinds of psychic readings:

Psychic Love Relationship Reading for Marriage & Couples

Psychic Love Relationship Reading for Singles


Psychic Love Relationship Reading for Couples

This session is designed to look at core blocks in the relationship from an energetic and spiritual level. I work with the Higher Self, Angels and Guides of both individuals within the relationship to communicate and bring through clear information and guidance around core issues that keep the relationship from flowing harmoniously. This session is like getting a Soul Reading except you are receiving a Psychic Reading for your Relationship or Marriage.

Spiritual Logo Savonn Champelle Psychic MediumDuring this session we are looking at the following:

  • Communication blocks and issues
  • How you are currently relating to one another vs what your Spirit is truly desires
  • Underlying fears within the marriage or relationship of both individuals
  • Past emotional wounds that resurface within the relationship and how to work through them
  • Identifying your love language and what you need to feel loved and safe
  • How to bring passion and love back into the relationship or marriage
  • Identifying an intention for the marriage or relationship and support in aligning with it

How will this session benefit your relationship:

  • Greater emotional connection and understanding between you and your partner
  • Understanding and aligning with your partners love language
  • Clear perspective on how you can better support each other’s emotional needs
  • How to manage the emotional triggers of both parties and reduce potential conflicts
  • Clear action steps to support bringing the relationship back into harmony
  • Knowing how to support each other while healing insecurities and emotional traumas
  • Steps to align with the intention of the relationship and maintaining harmony

1 Hour Psychic Love Relationship Reading for Couples -$550

(Please note all sessions are non-refundable)

Step 1: First pay for your session using the payment button below.

Step 2: Next visit the ‘Schedule Your Session’ page and fill out the bookings form.

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Psychic Love Relationship Reading for Singles

During a Psychic Love Reading for Single Session we will look at the following:

  • Blocks to loving and accepting yourself
  • Blocks to giving and receiving love
  • Limiting  beliefs around giving and receiving love to yourself and others
  • Blocks to speaking and honoring your truth
  • Blocks to honoring yourself and what is aligned for you
  • Emotional fears or trauma’s that hinder you from aligning with the relationship you want
  • Aligning with your Soul’s intention for a relationship or partnership
  • Patterns of attraction to shift this into what is aligned for you
  • Supportive tools to support your own alignment and co creating an aligned relationship

How will this session benefit you:

  • Greater awareness of core patterns, blocks and fears and steps to heal them
  • Understanding of your love language and how it relates to having a successful relationship
  • Knowing how to support your own emotional needs
  • Identifying the core partnership qualities you would like to have in a relationship
  • Grounding the core partnership qualities into your daily life
  • Creating a clear intention for the kind of relationship you would like to co create

1 Hour Psychic Love Relationship Reading for Singles – $300

Step 1: First pay for your session using the payment button below.

Step 2: Next visit the ‘Schedule Your Session’ page and fill out the bookings form.

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Psychic Readings and Healing ServicesPsychic Readings and Healing ServicesPsychic Readings and Healing ServicesPsychic Readings and Healing Services
Psychic Readings and Healing Services
Copyright © Savonn Champelle
Psychic Clairvoyant Medium