As an evidentiary medium I like to always first validate who the loved one is by bringing through information or evidence that only you would know. When these validations are made this is when I feel the most healing happens because you know in your heart your loved ones are still with you, around you and guiding you each day. It is important to note that as a Psychic Medium I am simply the “tube” that receives the information and passes it along.
Sometimes someone may want to discuss certain topics, or hear from a particular loved one and they may get an Uncle instead of their Mother or Father. This is because whoever is meant to come through for you and speak with you is who will come through and the Medium has no control over this or what get’s discussed. I will always ask Spirit to bring through whoever is meant for your highest good to help you and trust in who shows up during the reading. It is always a good idea to enter into a Psychic Mediumship Reading with an open mind, heart and no expectations so you can receive the fullness of what Spirit is wanting to bring through for you.
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