When Michaelangelo was asked how he was able to carve one of his most famous sculptures “David” from a single block of marble he said, “I simply chipped away at what David was not, he was hiding in there all along”. Our greatest potential is living within us already we just have to uncover it. Soul Coaching is designed to uniquely support you in uncovering and chipping away at who you are not, so who you really are can show up and shine allowing the Soul to fully express itself. This is an ongoing program I’ve created that supports you in identifying and compassionately confronting aspects of yourself that you may have outgrown, and that no longer serve you.
You’re either making aligned choices that empower you or choices that are not aligned that disempower you and what drives those choices are what Soul Coaching will help you to uncover and understand. In every session we’ll work together by bringing awareness to unconscious thought and behavioural patterns and looking at deeper blocks (emotional wounds, limiting beliefs, and karma) that you’re wanting to release at a Soul level which creates the space for expansion and growth. As you expand and grow all other areas of your life expand and grow with you. Soul Coaching brings you into the fullness of who you are in a powerful and non dogmatic way through spiritual and practical tools that I’ve developed based in Compassion and Unconditional Love.