Psychic Medium and Spiritual Teacher

“You are loved so much more than you can imagine”

Spiritual Soul Energy Healing Session

savonn-champelle-spiritual-soul-healingI started doing energy healing work after my own Spiritual Awakening when the Angels revealed themselves to me and started to teach me how to work with their energies.

I’ve trained in multiple healing modalities like REIKI, Angelic REIKI, Angel Therapy, Dolphin Meridian Healing, Crystal Therapy, and Shamanic Healing. My methods and techniques of healing have evolved over time as my guides have worked with me and as I’ve grown as a practitioner. During a Spiritual Soul Healing Session you are being given healing energies directly from Source, Angelic Realms, Ascended Masters and other Higher Beings of Light to support you in your own healing.

I believe all healing is possible but it’s your intention to receive and your ability to open your heart that makes all the difference.

Spiritual Logo Design for Psychic Medium Savonn ChampelleWhen I am working on an individual I pull from my own knowledge and experience and what I have learned from Source, my Spirit Guides, Angels and Ascended Masters and I incorporate them into the session as I am guided. I am working on the physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies of your energy field. I’m literally giving your entire energy bodies a “Spiritual Tuneup” not just to bring you back into a state of balance but to support your own “Healing” and Spiritual Growth.

People have reported to me after a Spiritual Soul Healing Session that they’ve experienced greater shifts in their personal life, they were able to manifest an aligned creation, or felt lighter like something heavy was lifted off of them. This is because when healing at such a high level of your Soul once those blocks are cleared and balanced any residual symptoms of those blocks like anger, depression, or conflicts within a relationship will automatically start to shift which will bring you back into a state of full alignment with your Soul.

Results will vary from person to person as each healing is unique. I am not the healer, Source is the healer but what I do is open myself up and allow my body to be used as a vehicle for Source to work through and intend for the healing to be for the highest good. In this session I’m guided by Source and your Spiritual Team (Angels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides and other Higher Beings of Light) as to what is wanting to be healed, balanced and cleared. If there are any concerns we can discuss them prior to the session so that a clear intention has been established.

During a Spiritual Soul Healing Session you may experience the following:

  • Chord Cutting
  • Removing of Energy Hooks
  • Aura Clearing and Repair
  • Chakra Clearing and Balancing
  • Grounding of the Energy Body
  • Clearing of Energy Blocks (Limiting Beliefs, Programs)
  • Spirit Attachment and Entity Clearing
  • Soul Retrieval
  • Karmic Cleansing
  • DNA Activation
  • Light Body Activation
  • Dolphin Meridian Healing
  • Angelic REIKI
  • Shamanic Healing

How will a Spiritual Soul Healing Session benefit you?

  • Greater sense of self
  • Reopening of the Heart
  • Increased Mental Clarity
  • Reduced Stress
  • Stronger sense of balance and peace
  • Releasing and Clearing of heavy emotions
  • Healing of emotional wounds
  • Increased alignment and connection to Source
  • Support your bodies natural healing process
  • Increased ability to manifest more Abundance


1 Hour Spiritual Soul Healing Session – $300- Phone Session only

(Please note all sessions are non-refundable)

Step 1: First pay for your session using the payment button below.

Step 2: Next visit the ‘Schedule Your Session’ page and fill out the bookings form.


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Psychic Readings and Healing Services
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Psychic Clairvoyant Medium